Transforming Lives with Medical Solutions

Get the latest information on women's health, Tahara, and fertility.
Get in TouchCall the Hotline

Hotline calls per week

International Phone Numbers

Trained Advisors

Couples seen each week for infertility consultation

Medical conferences attended annually

Certified professionals through Tahareinu courses

I Want To

Get to mikveh

Overcome mid-cycle staining, excessive bleeding or pain, or cycle intervals too short/long.

Have a baby

Find out about recent innovations to combat infertility (male/female) or recurrent miscarriage.

Handle other gynocological issues

Get your needs met for: Halachic Contraception, Pelvic Pain, Menopause,  and more.

Get the medical knowledge for the life you really want.

Tahareinu advisors empower you
with the up-to-date information you need.

Our Mission

Tahareinu is the global frontline for medical solutions for Taharas Hamishpacha and reproductive health. We transform lives by imparting the most up-to-date global medical knowledge to educate and empower women, couples, and Jewish communal leadership, all the while partnering with medical professionals worldwide.

Our Founders:

Rabbi and Mrs. Yitzchok and Chaya Melber

Working as a rabbi in the community, Rabbi Melber swiftly grasped the need to address Tahara and women’s health issues by offering the most updated medical solutions. At the behest of Rav Mordechai Eliyahu, zt”l, Rabbi Melber began attending medical conferences while earning a degree in Public Health Advocacy and a Masters in Leadership. He is a member of the Israel Health Ministry’s Commission on the Advancement of Women’s Health, and has written halachic works on infertility, contraception, and intimacy dysfunction. In 2009,  Rabbi Melber founded Tahareinu together with his wife, Mrs. Chaya Melber, a marriage and family counselor, who directs Tahareinu’s hotline and counsels as a case manager.

Our Founders:

Rabbi and Mrs. Yitzchok and Chaya Melber


Working as a rabbi in the community, Rabbi Melber swiftly grasped the need to address Tahara and women’s health issues by offering the most updated medical solutions. At the behest of Rav Mordechai Eliyahu, zt”l, Rabbi Melber began attending medical conferences while earning a degree in Public Health Advocacy and a Masters in Leadership. He is a member of the Israel Health Ministry’s Commission on the Advancement of Women’s Health, and has written halachic works on infertility, contraception, and intimacy dysfunction. In 2009,  Rabbi Melber founded Tahareinu together with his wife, Mrs. Chaya Melber, a marriage and family counselor, who directs Tahareinu’s hotline and counsels as a case manager.

It’s been over a decade.
And our belief has only grown stronger:

No couple should remain hopeless.

About having a healthy baby.

About achieving healthy intimacy.

About eliminating stressful conditions.

Their stories. Our successes.


“I couldn’t get to mikvah due to mid-cycle bleeding. I called Tahareinu, who immediately diagnosed my condition as PCOS. I received proper treatment, which not only relieved my mid-cycle bleeding, it also enabled me to become pregnant. Baruch Hashem, we had a healthy baby girl a year later!”


“I bled for months after my cesarean, and the pills my gynecologist prescribed didn’t help. I called Tahareinu, who quickly identified the problem as a ‘niche.’ My OB concurred, I underwent surgery, and two weeks later, I was at the mikvah.”

“I kept having miscarriages.
After assessing my situation, Tahareinu suggested I ask my OBGYN about a new medication on the market for recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL). Less than a year later, b”H, we had a healthy baby.”

“I had short cycles, which was a Tahara and a fertility problem. Tahareinu advised me to ask my OBGYN about a medication that would enable more Tahara days, and possibly solve my problem of not conceiving due to ovulation before mikvah. B”H, the medication took effect, on both accounts!”

Help is here.

We provide the latest solutions on:


Mid-cycle staining


Short Cycles


Long Menstruation Intervals


No Menstruation


Heavy or Prolonged Menstruation


Painful Menstruation


Contraception Advice






Reproductive Organ Cysts, Abrasions or Growths




Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (RPL)


First-Level Infertility (Female and Male)


Complex Infertility or RPL Treatment in Israel (Female/Male)


Intimacy Pain/Dysfunction (Female/Male)


Pregnancy and Postpartum: Bleeding or Other Hormonal Issues



14 countries. 9 languages. 4000 monthly calls.

It’s your turn.



Doctors and Specialists


Educating. Encouraging. Empowering.

It’s not just a hotline. Tahareinu offers:

Educational Seminars

Thousands of rabbanim, rebbetzins, kallah teachers, chassan teachers, and medical and mental health professionals attend Tahareinu’s educational seminars.

Professional Certification Courses

Over the past few years, over 500 professionals have gained in-depth knowledge of all areas of OB/GYN and fertility, enabling them to serve their communities better.

Private Consultation for Couples

Couples dealing with infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss, or genetic issues, can schedule an in-person or virtual consultation to review their case in depth.

Fertility Case Management

Each of our couples receives in-depth guidance and personal
hand-holding, with a particular focus on navigating the Israeli health system.

Get the answer you’re looking for.

Research and Awards

Providing you the most up-to-date medical knowledge

“In 1950, doctors could expect medical knowledge to double every 50 years. By 2020, it will take just 73 days, How’s a doctor supposed to keep up?

–Elisabeth Poorman,
MD, New England Journal of Medicine

Medical technology advances rapidly, constantly opening up unprecedented possibilities.

Yet doctors – overwhelmingly busy and oftentimes specialized – are unable to keep up with all the medical advances that can help their patients.

That’s where Tahareinu comes in.

We keep our finger on the pulse of the latest innovations to ensure YOU receive the most effective and suitable advice for your situation.


Rabbi Melber and Tahareinu’s senior team attend 40 medical conferences internationally, gleaning the latest updates in all fields of gynecology and fertility. We meet with world-renowned experts in each sub-specialty, gaining insights into their research and experience as well as their unique methods of treatment.

We pass on the cutting-edge medical knowledge for you, for doctors, and for community leaders.

Medical Conferences we frequent:



Rabbi Melber is a member of the Israel Health Ministry’s Commission on the Advancement of Women’s Health, tirelessly advocating in this role.

Some of his recent pursuits include:


Approval of insurance coverage for women with endometriosis who wish to freeze oocytes.


Advocating for patients with primary ovarian insufficiency and premature ovarian failure.


Providing funding for women suffering Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) in pregnancy. The symptoms are so severe that many women miss weeks if not months of work, and Rabbi Melber seeks “bedrest” funding accordingly.


Israel Health Ministry Medical and Jewish Literature Award

Ministry of Health’s Award for Outstanding Volunteer Services

Transform Lives: Get Involved

Both individuals and communities appreciate Tahareinu’s incredible value for transforming lives.

Women’s lives. Couples’ lives. 

For you.
For someone in your family. 

For someone in your community,
For any Jewish soul around the world.

Be involved with Tahareinu. 

Be a Tahareinu Ambassador for your city.

Distribute brochures in mikvehs and relevant community events, organize educational awareness events, and help with spreading the word personally and through promotions.

Apply to be a Tahareinu hotline advisor.

Host an educational conference.

Raise funds.

Establish or help manage a hotline in your city.