Yearly Z’chus

The Merit of Pure Family Life
Dear Friends,
We are overwhelmingly thrilled to invite you to participate in our annual campaign. This year, we are hosting campaign bases in four Tahareinu strongholds- Montreal, New York City, London and Jerusalem -while running an ongoing worldwide campaign throughout.
We run our annual campaign because Tahareinu is a non-profit, funded solely by generous people like you. You enable us to help families you know, and many other families in communities around the world. Perhaps we helped someone in your family, or might in the future.
Tahareinu provides effective medical guidance free of charge in order that anyone can benefit. We traverse the globe to attend medical conferences, and connect with top medical experts to learn about the latest medical and pharmaceutical breakthroughs. (This year, our comprehensive knowledge reached a game-changing milestone: medical institutions began approaching us to learn the latest!)
Using our up-to-date medical knowledge, we continually train our 50 volunteer advisors, and educate communal leaders and doctors, all the while being supported by our dedicated staff. And, as you know, each month we send out an email newsletter with medical tips for you about reproductive health and tahara.
Titled, “PURE Family,” this year’s campaign focuses on Tahareinu’s medical guidance for taharat hamishpacha problems. Our communities need this help desperately, because women often suffer for months or years without a solution, which means marriages suffer. Couples in your community are suffering. That’s where Tahareinu comes in.
We’re here for your family. For all families. Year-round.
When a wife or husband speaks with a Tahareinu advisor or case manager, they receive the medical guidance they long for, renewing normal, happy married life. Furthermore, resolved taharat hamishpacha issues can also cure fertility problems. A PURE family means a happy family.
This week, we ran the Montreal campaign, and were astounded to witness the majority of the community actively contributing! This is especially noteworthy since we only launched our Montreal branch six months ago! The resounding success proves how deeply the community desires Tahareinu’s help for families. And now, on to NYC, London, and Israel!
All of Tahareinu’s efforts require your funding.
You are the key.
PURe joyful families are in your hands
Thank you, tizku l’mitzvos, and Good Shabbos.
Rabbi Yitzchok and Mrs. Chaya Melber
Tahareinu Founders