You don’t have to
Tahara professionals and Jewish couples are arming themselves with the knowledge and up-to-date information no Jewish couple should be without.
You are their Rav, Kallah teacher, Madrich Chassanim, or mentor.
If you’ve ever asked yourself:
“How should I guide this Kallah in preparation for her wedding?”
“I’m getting the same questions about staining over and over. Is there one simple solution?”
“I’m not a doctor. So how can I help couples who are experiencing recurrent pregnancy loss?”
“How do I guide couples to the right choice for contraception?”
“The emotional stress is putting this marriage on the rocks - how can I help?”
You’ve come to the right place.
Because when people trust you with their most important and personal struggles,
You Don't
Rely on outdated medicine, go-to solutions, or third-hand information
You Don't
Send them blindly to doctors who don’t fully understand our lifestyle.
You Don't
That’s why Rabbi Yitzchok Melber, director of Tahareinu, has already done the research:
- Attends numerous medical conferences
- Travels the world to consult with experts
- Spends hundreds of hours exploring the latest innovations
So you can get the practical information you need –
Minus the exhaustive process.
guide them from problem to solution:
confidently and clearly.

Over 325 professionals from around the world have taken this course, and the consensus is overwhelming:
“The most important thing I gained was the awareness that there are multiple approaches to problems that sometimes even doctors are not aware of. By taking this course, you will become conversant in the most up-to-date and nuanced information. You will have the capacity to interact intelligently with doctors as you seek to help members of your community with complex medical and Halachic problems.”
“Why are we in this field? To help as many people as we can, in the best way we can. And there’s only one way to accomplish that: with the right information. But even if someone is very knowledgeable, there’s a danger of falling back on go-to solutions. This course will give the balance of both specific, possible solutions for certain problems and broader information about additional directions to pursue for certain problems.”
“Not everything that a married person needs to know is taught in Yeshiva with halachic training. This course is vital to know the common issues couples face and which solutions to offer. It is incumbent on anyone in a position to help and/or guide chassanim, kallahs and couples of all ages to take the courses given by Tahareinu. The many issues they may face are clearly explained and the various possible solutions detailed. When a competent Rav, Chasson or Kallah teacher has this information at their disposal, they will truly be able to guide klal Yisroel in a complete and Toradik way.
Of Course
you want to give them the most efficient solution
Of Course
you want to ease their anxiety and tell them there’s new hope
Of Course
you want to know you’ve made an investment for the sake of so many Jewish homes
Because in some fields, mediocre is good enough.
But not here.
Not when the difference between the right and wrong answer is
Tahareinu Certification Course topics cover the following:
- Arranging cycles: pre-wedding and cycle management
- AUB – Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
- Contraception
- Fertility/Infertility
- MIGS – Minimally Invasive Gynecology Surgery
- Gynecological Diseases & Tahara
- Pregnancy, Miscarriage & RPL (Recurrent Pregnancy Loss)
- Menopause and Tahara
- Hormones & Conditions
- Intimacy Dysfunction (Male/Female)
- A survey of innovative medical treatments in endoscopy, endocrinology, genetics, gynecology, obstetrics and more.
Classes are given over in a clear, visual-heavy format via weekly Zoom meetings.
If you’re wondering:
Is there any live interaction between participants and the presenter?
Individuals that are taking the course can write in questions that will get addressed in real time or during the duration of the course.
For how long are the recordings of the classes available?
The recordings are sent out following each class with a one-month duration on the recording, and anybody wanting to listen to a class after that time can simply request a new link which is granted without question.
I'm a doctor who works with the religious community, but I'm not religious. Is this course for me?
Insofar as you are working with the Jewish community will be very helpful, you will gain an understanding and sensitivity to the needs of the Orthodox community via the lens of the field of reproductive health.
What if I have follow-up questions after watching a module?
There is a dedicated email inbox for participants of the courses, and all questions are responded to within 24-48 hours.
Is there a payment plan?
Yes, we work with individuals to ensure that finances are not a precluding factor towards their getting educated in these areas. We will always allow for extended payment plans as needed, and will, in extenuating circumstances, grant discounts for individuals and/or groups.
I would like to let you know how thankful I am that I took the Tahareinu advanced course, Fall 2020. The content was great and very relevant to me professionally. The course is practical and informative, intensive, but well-paced, covering a broad range of topics. A real eye opener for me even though I have been a Bodeket Tahara for 25 years. Your deep knowledge of the material is apparent and your enthusiasm to help others was inspiring. May Hashem bless you and your wife, your family and the Tahareinu organization with good health, much Yiddishe Naches, continued success and the ability to help others until the coming of משיח צדקינו במהירה בימינו.
For further details or phone registration,
contact office@tahareinu.com.
Israel: 052-629-6392 US: 347.387.7550