Growing with You
Dear Friends,
This past month, we enjoyed educating communities and bolstering support during our PURE Family campaigns in
Montreal, New York, and New Jersey! As usual, our hotline and case management continue as busy as ever, helping hundreds of people every month B”H.
Our central campaign takes place this week, just before Tu Bishvat. The theme of tree growth is near and dear to our
hearts here at Tahareinu. In fact, as you may know, our 2019 annual report was themed “Branching Out,” due to our exponential growth last year. And we continue on, widening our reach in communities, and with medical practitioners, in order to bring the most advanced medical solutions to everyone who can benefit.

To donate to the central campaign, click here. To volunteer for the campaign, contact us.
For the newsletter this month, we bring you information on handling a tough situation so many families face: recurrent miscarriage.
May we all continue to to heal, to
grow and to flower.
Rabbi Yitzchok and Mrs. Chaya Melber
Tahareinu Founders
This Month’s Focus:
Preventing Recurrent Miscarriages
Recurrent pregnancy loss, or RPL, is so tough for couples, whether before their first child, or after subsequent children. Thankfully, more medical solutions are
available to prevent miscarriages. Read about these solutions in our blog, “Can Recurrent Miscarriages Be Prevented?”

Hashgacha Pratis: An MD Calls the Tahareinu Hotline
As always, identifying details are changed to preserve anonymity.
Sadly, a woman who was eight weeks pregnant went for an ultrasound, and was told she would have a miscarriage. She preferred avoiding a D&C, because of the risk of uterine adhesions and emotional trauma. However, at week 14, the miscarriage still had not happened on its own, and therefore her doctor recommended D&C to avoid risk of uterine infection.
Meanwhile, a partner in the doctor’s clinic attended a Tahareinu lecture by Rabbi Melber on the topic of “Alternatives to D&C,” where he learned about the option of combining D&C with hysteroscopy. He returned to the clinic and gave a lecture to the doctors in his practice about this new procedure. Because of this hashgacha pratis, the woman’s doctor then called the Tahareinu hotline on behalf of her patient, and an advisor educated her about using hysteroscopy instead of just a D&C. Consequently, the doctor confidently recommended her patient undergo hysteroscopy, and the woman had a healthy miscarriage. B’sha’ah tovah – may she have a healthy next pregnancy.
Do you, or does someone you know, need a solution for fertility, taharas hamishpacha, or
another reproductive health issue? Call the Tahareinu hotline today.
Connect with Tahareinu

Call the Hotline
We register 380 calls per month on average, answered by our expertly-trained team advisors in several languages.
Medical institutions benefit
from Tahareinu’s ‘umbrella’ knowledge. Contact us for strategy.
Contact us to find out about or schedule an educational conference for Rabbanim, Rebbetzins, Kallah Teachers, or other leaders.