Corona Update

Dear Friends,
Coronavirus is affecting our communities greatly. Once it became clear that the virus was spreading globally, Tahareinu instantly embarked on a Corona Initiative, ensuring we could continue helping guide you through reproductive health, tahara, and fertility issues without pause, while addressing Corona-specific concerns as well.
Tahareinu As The Primary Resource
Coronavirus hit Europe, the US, and Israel by the month of Adar. Consequently, during the weeks leading up to Pesach – when activity usually slows down – Tahareinu went into overdrive. We received four times the number of calls on average for that time of year, largely due to coronavirus concerns.
We received referrals, and many medical institutions and clinics. We often worked 14/15-hour days, counseling couples over the phone or via videoconference. Our volunteer hotline advisors offered to work additional hours to answer calls – on top of all their Pesach preparations – a true mesirut nefesh.
Our services remain ongoing, as follows:
Our hotline is operating at regularly-scheduled hours, for all locations around the world.
Meetings with couples continues, via video conferencing. Write to for more information.
We wish to extend sincere condolences to all those who have lost loved ones, and wish refuah shlemah to all who are still affected.
Rabbi Yitzchok and Mrs. Chaya Melber Tahareinu Founders
Support Tahareinu. Donate here.
Blog: Fertility Treatment Guide During Corona Times
When can we get back to fertility treatments? Can our frozen embryos be shipped internationally? Is medical tourism still even an option? All these and more questions are addressed by Rabbi Melber in “Fertility Treatments During the Coronavirus Crisis: Top Tips for Couples.” Read the blog here.

Just One Example

Tahareinu continues to provide the most appropriate, personalized assistance for every woman or couple, with even more of a focus given today’s unusual circumstances. Here is one case to highlight Tahareinu’s recent impact vis-a-vis Corona.
Will my pregnancy last?
A couple experienced four years of RPL (recurrent pregnancy loss), and B”H were finally having a healthy pregnancy. However, the woman started bleeding, and needed help navigating medical services just when coronavirus hit New York City, one of the most heavily-affected areas in the world. She was concerned not only for the viability of her pregnancy, but also about possibly contracting coronavirus at her medical facility. We were able to guide her toward the most suitable medical monitoring, as well as about preventing coronavirus. B”H her pregnancy issues turned out to be minor, and we wish her a continual healthy pregnancy, b’shaah tovah.
Astounding Number of Medical Conferences

IVF, preventing pregnancy loss, endoscopy, endometriosis, and abnormal uterine bleeding. These are but a few of the topics covered during the ten reproductive-health medical conferences Rabbi Melber attended during the last couple of months – all via videoconference. This is double the number of international conferences usually attended on average.
We expect that – due to Corona – many medical conferences will continue to be held in this manner for the upcoming year, and it is Tahareinu’s mission, as usual, to participate in as many of these conferences as possible in order to bring you the latest medical information.

A Recent Thank You
Dear Rav Melber,
There are no words to properly express our tremendous hakaras hatov for all that you did on our behalf, to continue Klal Yisroel bik’dusha uvetahara. Every time we look at our heilege child, we are reminded of all that you have done for us during our [fertility] journey, and our connection with Ribbono Shel Olam is even stronger… Thank you so very much.
The Goldbergs*
*Name changed to preserve anonymity
Tahareinu Certification Course On Its Way!
Over the years, many of you have expressed interest in guiding your communities with the knowledge that Tahareinu brings. And now you can. Starting soon, we are offering Tahareinu Training 1.0, with separate courses for men and women.
Rabbanim, medical professionals, kallah teachers, rebbetzins, and anyone working with reproductive health in the community – this is the course for all of you. Stay tuned for a separate email with details.

You enable us to help women and couples, every day. Perhaps someone in your family. Your friend’s chevrusa, a neighbor, a shul member.
Maybe even you.
Only with your support can Tahareinu resolve tahara, women’s reproductive health, and fertility problems with the most updated medical knowledge available.
Click here to support Tahareinu, especially now.